Indigenous Studies Program Visions, Goals, Protocols 101, 201 & 301
Elder Jacinta Wiebe (nee McKay) was born and grew up in Berens River, Manitoba, where she learned to speak Anishinabamowin. Her parents were George and Marie Louise McKay, now deceased. She attended the University of Manitoba where she completed a Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree and an Advanced Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics. Jacinta completed her Mideiwin teachings at the Churchill Mide Lodge in Wisconsin, USA. She also taught classes at the University College of the North in Thompson and The Pas, Manitoba. As Elder she organized Indigenous Resources Protection Board Inc and recruited new board members to be inclusive of all Indigenous persons. ​In 2013, she organized and supervised a Use & Occupancy Survey Research project in which 100 Indigenous band member hunters, trappers, fishers, and gatherers were interviewed while producing 169 biomaps with the intent to develop a Traditional area land use plan to protect and preserve the traditional territory lands, animals, fish, birds. She has finished teaching all 4 Levels of the Indigenous Studies Program. We are planning to offer a follow up Level 3 to those Learners who were unabl to
She has finished Teaching 3 Levels of the Indigenous Studies Program with 6 Learners graduating with their certificates in hand. Congratulations to theme. We plan to offer another Level 3 to those 7 other Learners who could not complete the program at this time.
Elder Jacinta Wiebe (nee McKay) was born and grew up in Berens River, Manitoba, where she learned to speak Anishinabamowin. Her parents were George and Marie Louise McKay, now deceased. She attended the University of Manitoba where she completed a Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree and an Advanced Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics.
Jacinta completed her Mideiwin teachings at the Churchill Mide Lodge in Wisconsin, USA. She also taught classes at the University College of the North in Thompson and The Pas, Manitoba. As Elder she organized Indigenous Resources Protection Board Inc and recruited new board members to be inclusive of all Indigenous persons. ​In 2013, she organized and supervised a Use & Occupancy Survey Research project in which 100 Indigenous band member hunters, trappers, fishers, and gatherers were interviewed while producing 169 biomaps with the intent to develop a Traditional area land use plan to protect and preserve the traditional territory lands, animals, fish, birds.
She has finished Teaching 3 Levels of the Indigenous Studies Program with several Learners graduating with their certificates in hand. Congratulations to them!